Aðdáendur myndarinnar vita líka að þetta er ein fallegasta og besta jólamynd sem til er, og því ætti að koma einhverjum á óvart að leikstjóri myndarinnar, Richard Curtis, hafði einungis séð hana einu sinni, eða á frumsýningunni árið 2003.
Það breyttist þó (sem betur fer) um daginn þegar hann fór á sérstaka miðnætur sýningu með unnustu sinni, Emmu Freud, en myndin var sú fyrsta sem þau gerðu saman eftir að þau fóru að vera saman.
Okkur til mikillar gleði var Emma á Twitter alla myndina og á meðan hún horfði deildi hún með aðdáendum sögum á bakvið atriðin, karakterana ásamt því að telja rúllukragana sem birtast í myndinni.
Sjón er sögu ríkari. Love actually is all around.
Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) So weird watching it again... Every scene just a flood of filming memories. And what we had for lunch that day. #priorities
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
href='https://twitter.com/emmafreud/status/675903986436845568'>December 13, 2015 It's about to start. Son imploring richard to make a speech. There are 8 people in here. Think they might be a bit confused.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Tbh when we get gloomy with the state of the world, the last place we think of is arrivals at Heathrow.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Remember the housekeeper in the hugh grant arriving at Downing Street line up? That was my mum. And still is. #loveactually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Wow bill Nighy is so good in this! Am I the first person to have noticed? #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Twenty minutes in.... Turtle neck count - 8. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Ant or dec. brilliant. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
You know that bit when Alan rickman's secretary in the office parts her legs in his direction? Still makes me want to puke. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Turtle neck count... 17. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
'The chubby girl? I think there's a pretty sizeable arse there. Huge thighs'. Politically correct curtis. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Do i play the 'but he wrote/directed it' card? Yes if I want to be single. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Oh wow had forgotten - Karl is ridiculously good looking. I mean... Too good looking. Like... Crazy levels of handsome. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Oh no. Emma thompson tears looming.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Oh brilliant. Here comes Rowan. Filmed at midnight in selfridges.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
This is so much more than a bag. (It's not so much more than a bag). #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Joni mitchell. Help. Still hurts. Sat on the floor watching her do that scene - 7 takes. Crying every time. Goddess. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Bill nighy and his manager. My favorite love scene in the film. Best scene to film. They were just perfect. Every take. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
'Where the fuck is my fucking coat?' Second favorite line. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
'Eight is a lot of legs david'. Favorite line. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Girl who does the Mariah carey song was actually singing even though everyone thinks she is miming to Mariah. On Disney channel now.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
I 'designed' the kiss between colin firth and the Portuguese girl. My signature move? His thumb on her lip before they snog. #boom
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
And the bits at the beginning and the end of the film at Heathrow airport with real people.... I edited those. Me. I did them. Best bits.
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015