A Journey Home Postponed 30. júní 2006 10:58 Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson, rithöfundur. Production on A Journey Home, a movie based on Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson’s novel Slóð Fiðrildanna, has been delayed. Lárus Halldórsson representative for Sagafilm cited the delay in production was due to artistic differences between the actress Jennifer Connelly and director Liv Ullman. Production was scheduled to start in October, but will begin in 2007. The movie will mostly be shot in Reykjavík and is expected to be the most expensive Icelandic movie ever produced. Steve Haft is one of the producers, who also produced Dead Poet’s Society. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Verkföll hafin í sex skólum Innlent Áfastir tappar dragi úr lífsvilja Innlent Árásarmaðurinn hafi átt í samskiptum við lykilvitni Innlent Þóra Tómasdóttir strýkur Tesla-eigendum öfugt Innlent Heiða Björg verður borgarstjóri Innlent Segir menntuð fífl hættuleg fífl Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent Kennaraverkföll skella á Innlent Skólameistari gengur út frá því að kennarar leggi niður störf Innlent Banaslys á Þingvallavegi Innlent
Production on A Journey Home, a movie based on Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson’s novel Slóð Fiðrildanna, has been delayed. Lárus Halldórsson representative for Sagafilm cited the delay in production was due to artistic differences between the actress Jennifer Connelly and director Liv Ullman. Production was scheduled to start in October, but will begin in 2007. The movie will mostly be shot in Reykjavík and is expected to be the most expensive Icelandic movie ever produced. Steve Haft is one of the producers, who also produced Dead Poet’s Society. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Verkföll hafin í sex skólum Innlent Áfastir tappar dragi úr lífsvilja Innlent Árásarmaðurinn hafi átt í samskiptum við lykilvitni Innlent Þóra Tómasdóttir strýkur Tesla-eigendum öfugt Innlent Heiða Björg verður borgarstjóri Innlent Segir menntuð fífl hættuleg fífl Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent Kennaraverkföll skella á Innlent Skólameistari gengur út frá því að kennarar leggi niður störf Innlent Banaslys á Þingvallavegi Innlent