Comfort and Indulgence 20. júlí 2006 00:01 nordica - bannað For the most stylish stay in the capital of cool, Hotel Nordica has it all. Exquisitely designed, it features minimalistic modern furnishings that blend timeless taste with slick trends. It may be hip, but Hotel Nordica first and foremost exudes a feeling of comfort and indulgence. The ground floor features a bar and café, perfect for casual meetings and after-dinner drinks, as well as the renowned VOX restaurant considered one of the finest in the city. Not only does the restaurant serve award-winning food by night, it also serves the best brunch in town on weekends whether it may be for hotel guests or those wanting to do something special on a Sunday morning! The Deluxe, Club and Executive rooms all feature a fully stocked personal bar, telephone with voice mail, wi-fi access and satellite and pay TV. They also offer access to the Executive Lounge a fantastic open bar on the top floor, which offers stunning views over Reykjavík and Mount Esja. For those looking to go all-out on their stay in the city, try the Presidential Suite, located on the top floor. At 110 square metres its the most luxurious suite in the capital. Needless to say, Hotel Nordica has its fair share of international star sightings. For relaxation and well-being, enjoy the facilities at the Nordica Spa, which offers a host of beauty treatments, fitness classes, weight-lifting equipment, Jacuzzis and steam rooms. The only possible drawback to Hotel Nordica is its location: a half-hour walk from the city centre, but there are buses right next to the Laugar Spa and Swimming Pool across the road to make your life easier. Besides, the Laugardalur pool is the largest outdoor pool in Reykjavík and a fabulous spot to hang out and tan when the sun makes an appearance. - Anna Margrét Björnsson Accommodation News in English Mest lesið „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Trump útilokar ekki samdrátt í kjölfar efnahagsaðgerða sinna Erlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent
For the most stylish stay in the capital of cool, Hotel Nordica has it all. Exquisitely designed, it features minimalistic modern furnishings that blend timeless taste with slick trends. It may be hip, but Hotel Nordica first and foremost exudes a feeling of comfort and indulgence. The ground floor features a bar and café, perfect for casual meetings and after-dinner drinks, as well as the renowned VOX restaurant considered one of the finest in the city. Not only does the restaurant serve award-winning food by night, it also serves the best brunch in town on weekends whether it may be for hotel guests or those wanting to do something special on a Sunday morning! The Deluxe, Club and Executive rooms all feature a fully stocked personal bar, telephone with voice mail, wi-fi access and satellite and pay TV. They also offer access to the Executive Lounge a fantastic open bar on the top floor, which offers stunning views over Reykjavík and Mount Esja. For those looking to go all-out on their stay in the city, try the Presidential Suite, located on the top floor. At 110 square metres its the most luxurious suite in the capital. Needless to say, Hotel Nordica has its fair share of international star sightings. For relaxation and well-being, enjoy the facilities at the Nordica Spa, which offers a host of beauty treatments, fitness classes, weight-lifting equipment, Jacuzzis and steam rooms. The only possible drawback to Hotel Nordica is its location: a half-hour walk from the city centre, but there are buses right next to the Laugar Spa and Swimming Pool across the road to make your life easier. Besides, the Laugardalur pool is the largest outdoor pool in Reykjavík and a fabulous spot to hang out and tan when the sun makes an appearance. - Anna Margrét Björnsson
Accommodation News in English Mest lesið „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Trump útilokar ekki samdrátt í kjölfar efnahagsaðgerða sinna Erlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent