Criticism of Police Force 28. ágúst 2006 10:52 Lögreglan Akureyri Lögreglan að störfum Managing director of the National Association of Policemen, Páll E. Winkler has harshly criticised the amount of unprofessional policemen in the Reykjavik police force. " I can assure you that this doesn't occur anywhere else in the western world and it's quite shameful," He says that there is a dire need for policemen with a professional education in the field and that almost anyone can get a job within the policeforce without having any background in police education. Páll criticises this harshly and adds that those individuals who finish the school of Police end up working elsewhere. " The wages are far too low for such hard work. This means that professsional policemen end up looking for work elsewhere." Monthly wages for policemen in their first year of work are at around 170 thousand ISK per month. News News in English Mest lesið Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Lýsa yfir hættustigi vegna yfirvofandi eldgoss Innlent Ekki ljóst hvort skýringar Sjálfstæðismanna haldi vatni Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Nítján lík sögð hafa fundist eftir flugslys í Washington Erlent Ýtti konu fyrir bíl Innlent Segir Sjálfstæðismenn hyggja á setuverkfall verði þeim vísað á dyr Innlent Rússneskir heimsmeistarar meðal farþega vélarinnar Erlent Hæstiréttur blandar sér í málið sem setti svip sinn á forsetakosningarnar Innlent Fjórðungur barna enn í bleyju í aðlögun fyrir grunnskóla Erlent
Managing director of the National Association of Policemen, Páll E. Winkler has harshly criticised the amount of unprofessional policemen in the Reykjavik police force. " I can assure you that this doesn't occur anywhere else in the western world and it's quite shameful," He says that there is a dire need for policemen with a professional education in the field and that almost anyone can get a job within the policeforce without having any background in police education. Páll criticises this harshly and adds that those individuals who finish the school of Police end up working elsewhere. " The wages are far too low for such hard work. This means that professsional policemen end up looking for work elsewhere." Monthly wages for policemen in their first year of work are at around 170 thousand ISK per month.
News News in English Mest lesið Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Lýsa yfir hættustigi vegna yfirvofandi eldgoss Innlent Ekki ljóst hvort skýringar Sjálfstæðismanna haldi vatni Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Nítján lík sögð hafa fundist eftir flugslys í Washington Erlent Ýtti konu fyrir bíl Innlent Segir Sjálfstæðismenn hyggja á setuverkfall verði þeim vísað á dyr Innlent Rússneskir heimsmeistarar meðal farþega vélarinnar Erlent Hæstiréttur blandar sér í málið sem setti svip sinn á forsetakosningarnar Innlent Fjórðungur barna enn í bleyju í aðlögun fyrir grunnskóla Erlent