Reindeer Season ends September 15th 5. september 2006 10:57 Hreindýraveiðar Gogga og Pálma In the east part of the country 250 reindeers have still not been hunted this reindeer season. The quota for this season allowed for 909 reindeers to be hunted in East Iceland. The hunting has been difficult recently because of a fog that lies over a large part of the hunting area. Jóhann G. Gunnarsson from the Environmental Institute says that many animals have not been hunted in Fljótdalsheiði. „The weather was really bad last week but today and yesterday we got nice weather. If the weather stays this way we are hopeful that we will finish the hunting in the next few days.“ There is great deal of interest for hunting reindeers in Iceland and about 2.000 applications for hunting the 909 animal quota were received this year. Thereof 30 applications were from foreigners. News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent
In the east part of the country 250 reindeers have still not been hunted this reindeer season. The quota for this season allowed for 909 reindeers to be hunted in East Iceland. The hunting has been difficult recently because of a fog that lies over a large part of the hunting area. Jóhann G. Gunnarsson from the Environmental Institute says that many animals have not been hunted in Fljótdalsheiði. „The weather was really bad last week but today and yesterday we got nice weather. If the weather stays this way we are hopeful that we will finish the hunting in the next few days.“ There is great deal of interest for hunting reindeers in Iceland and about 2.000 applications for hunting the 909 animal quota were received this year. Thereof 30 applications were from foreigners.
News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent