Vestnorden Travel Mart in Reykjavik 13. september 2006 15:22 Ferðakaupstefna í Laugardalshöll The Vestnorden Travel Mart is a yearly event where Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Shetland introduce their possibilities in the travel industry to over 500 buyers from thirty different countries. This year the Vestnorden Travel Mart has been taking place at Laugardalshöll in Reykjavik. The Travel Mart rotates between the four countries each year and is considered very important to the local travel industry. The number of tourists in all the four countries has been on the rise thanks to the cooperation of the four West-Nordic countries among other things. Magnús Oddsson, managing director of the Icelandic Tourist Board said it was enjoyable that the number of participants in the Travel Mart increased every year. He was hopeful that the number of tourists to Iceland would double in the next ten years. Iceland could be expecting about one million travellers in the year 2016. Magnús said the key to the success of the Icelandic Travel Industry would be even distribution of travellers throughout the year. News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent
The Vestnorden Travel Mart is a yearly event where Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Shetland introduce their possibilities in the travel industry to over 500 buyers from thirty different countries. This year the Vestnorden Travel Mart has been taking place at Laugardalshöll in Reykjavik. The Travel Mart rotates between the four countries each year and is considered very important to the local travel industry. The number of tourists in all the four countries has been on the rise thanks to the cooperation of the four West-Nordic countries among other things. Magnús Oddsson, managing director of the Icelandic Tourist Board said it was enjoyable that the number of participants in the Travel Mart increased every year. He was hopeful that the number of tourists to Iceland would double in the next ten years. Iceland could be expecting about one million travellers in the year 2016. Magnús said the key to the success of the Icelandic Travel Industry would be even distribution of travellers throughout the year.
News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent