Floods in South Iceland 21. desember 2006 11:25 People and animals were in danger when the river Hvítá in South Iceland flooded yesterday morning. By noon roads and bridges along the river were closed. Shortly after the Civil Protection Department issued a warning that the flood would reach the town of Selfoss. Over hundred rescue workers assisted men and animals escape the water all yesterday. The Reykjavik fire department sent firemen and equipment in case the river Öflusá would start flooding into the houses. Over hundred horses in Hrunamannahreppur was rescued yesterday when the rivers Litla-Laxá and Hvíta flooded and the horses got trapped, the rescuers needed speed boats to get them to dry land. At least three horses drowned. News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent
People and animals were in danger when the river Hvítá in South Iceland flooded yesterday morning. By noon roads and bridges along the river were closed. Shortly after the Civil Protection Department issued a warning that the flood would reach the town of Selfoss. Over hundred rescue workers assisted men and animals escape the water all yesterday. The Reykjavik fire department sent firemen and equipment in case the river Öflusá would start flooding into the houses. Over hundred horses in Hrunamannahreppur was rescued yesterday when the rivers Litla-Laxá and Hvíta flooded and the horses got trapped, the rescuers needed speed boats to get them to dry land. At least three horses drowned.
News News in English Mest lesið Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent