Porn Conventioneers Hit Back! 21. febrúar 2007 16:28, organisers of the now infamous SnowGathering 2007 pornographers' convention/pep rally (to be held March 7-11 in Reykjavík), have responded to the allegations against the assembly put forth by various Icelandic officials and group-leaders. In a press release, the convention's head organizer, Cristina Ponga, expresses her surprise at the current developments in the case of this year's SnowGathering. Voicing their surprise and offence at comparisons to "drug dealers, child molesters and rapists, the organization behind the SnowGathering would like to set the record straight." Says Ponga: "The SnowGathering is a business to business event for serious and legitimate companies in the adult entertainment business. During the SnowGathering we offer our attendees the chance to conduct business in a relaxing manner. We believe that by offering our attendees fun, exciting and relaxing activities we increase their chances to network. This is the reason why we have chosen for this combination instead of a conventional congress setting. We would like to stress that everybody attending this event, as well as the organizers themselves, run legitimate businesses and are all opposed to child pornography and human trafficking. We believe that comparing us to or even insinuating that any of us have anything to do with child pornography, oppression of women or prostitution is not only 100% incorrect and uncalled for, but highly offensive!" The release goes on to say that the organizers see much pornography involved in a day of skiing, the Golden Circle or visiting a dinner show. "The only thing that could be criticized is the visit to a strip club, but should this comment be made it should be considered very hypocritical since Reykjavík has approximately 6 legitimate strip clubs located in its city centre. [note: Reykjavík's centre actually has closer to four legitimate 'strip clubs', counting the 'Champagne clubs', whose purpose is unclear]." Ponga closes the statement by asserting that the impending convention and its intentions "have been totally misunderstood and comments and views on this matter have been totally misplaced and blown out of proportion. Everybody we work with is over 18 years old and nobody is being pressured into doing anything they do not fully agree with." Icelandic officials have almost unanimously gone on record stating indignation and contempt at the conventioneers' choice of venue. French news' agency AFP reported that Reykjavík mayor Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson has asked police authorities to investigate every announced delegate for connections with child-pornography. He has also been quoted as saying that he regrets that Reykjavík will be a venue for operations that possibly are in breach of Icelandic law. See also:Pornographers To Convene In Reykjavík News News in English Mest lesið Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Veita ókeypis aðstoð við gerð skattframtals Innlent Fleiri hundruð óbreyttra borgara drepnir Erlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent, organisers of the now infamous SnowGathering 2007 pornographers' convention/pep rally (to be held March 7-11 in Reykjavík), have responded to the allegations against the assembly put forth by various Icelandic officials and group-leaders. In a press release, the convention's head organizer, Cristina Ponga, expresses her surprise at the current developments in the case of this year's SnowGathering. Voicing their surprise and offence at comparisons to "drug dealers, child molesters and rapists, the organization behind the SnowGathering would like to set the record straight." Says Ponga: "The SnowGathering is a business to business event for serious and legitimate companies in the adult entertainment business. During the SnowGathering we offer our attendees the chance to conduct business in a relaxing manner. We believe that by offering our attendees fun, exciting and relaxing activities we increase their chances to network. This is the reason why we have chosen for this combination instead of a conventional congress setting. We would like to stress that everybody attending this event, as well as the organizers themselves, run legitimate businesses and are all opposed to child pornography and human trafficking. We believe that comparing us to or even insinuating that any of us have anything to do with child pornography, oppression of women or prostitution is not only 100% incorrect and uncalled for, but highly offensive!" The release goes on to say that the organizers see much pornography involved in a day of skiing, the Golden Circle or visiting a dinner show. "The only thing that could be criticized is the visit to a strip club, but should this comment be made it should be considered very hypocritical since Reykjavík has approximately 6 legitimate strip clubs located in its city centre. [note: Reykjavík's centre actually has closer to four legitimate 'strip clubs', counting the 'Champagne clubs', whose purpose is unclear]." Ponga closes the statement by asserting that the impending convention and its intentions "have been totally misunderstood and comments and views on this matter have been totally misplaced and blown out of proportion. Everybody we work with is over 18 years old and nobody is being pressured into doing anything they do not fully agree with." Icelandic officials have almost unanimously gone on record stating indignation and contempt at the conventioneers' choice of venue. French news' agency AFP reported that Reykjavík mayor Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson has asked police authorities to investigate every announced delegate for connections with child-pornography. He has also been quoted as saying that he regrets that Reykjavík will be a venue for operations that possibly are in breach of Icelandic law. See also:Pornographers To Convene In Reykjavík
News News in English Mest lesið Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Veita ókeypis aðstoð við gerð skattframtals Innlent Fleiri hundruð óbreyttra borgara drepnir Erlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent