People of Airwaves: Nothing compares to Icelandic reggae By Þórhildur Þorkelsdóttir 7. nóvember 2014 22:30 The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee love Icelandic reggae. VÍSIR/ANDRI MARÍNÓ The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee are both German but live in London where they're attending university together. Earlier this year they became fascinated by Iceland and decided to come to the Iceland Airwaves festival after having seen the festival programme. "We saw that the program was fantastic, with so many bands that are favourites of ours," they explain. "What's really surprised us are all these awesome Icelandic bands," says Maddalena. Victoria agrees with her. "For example we just came from seeing the reggae band Amabadama and it was amazing! We didn't even know that there was such a thing as Icelandic reggae, but then we ended up at this concert by chance. It was like reggae had been invented with the Icelandic language in mind, who could have suspected that the two went so well together?" she says, which makes both of them laugh. They're also very fond of Icelandic cuisine, especially the lobster soup. "We were very cold yesterday and we had lobster soup at the Sægreifinn restaurant, it was very good and a good way to gather strength between concerts," they exclaim proudly. News in English Tengdar fréttir People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31 People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24 People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47 Mest lesið Þörf á þolinmæði fyrir meðferð með hugvíkkandi efnum Innlent Óákveðið hvort Sunnutorg verði óbreytt eftir framkvæmdir Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Seðlabankastjórinn Carney verður forsætisráðherra Kanada Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent Ný tryggingavernd fyrir fólk sem flýr ofbeldissamband Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent
The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee are both German but live in London where they're attending university together. Earlier this year they became fascinated by Iceland and decided to come to the Iceland Airwaves festival after having seen the festival programme. "We saw that the program was fantastic, with so many bands that are favourites of ours," they explain. "What's really surprised us are all these awesome Icelandic bands," says Maddalena. Victoria agrees with her. "For example we just came from seeing the reggae band Amabadama and it was amazing! We didn't even know that there was such a thing as Icelandic reggae, but then we ended up at this concert by chance. It was like reggae had been invented with the Icelandic language in mind, who could have suspected that the two went so well together?" she says, which makes both of them laugh. They're also very fond of Icelandic cuisine, especially the lobster soup. "We were very cold yesterday and we had lobster soup at the Sægreifinn restaurant, it was very good and a good way to gather strength between concerts," they exclaim proudly.
News in English Tengdar fréttir People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31 People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24 People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47 Mest lesið Þörf á þolinmæði fyrir meðferð með hugvíkkandi efnum Innlent Óákveðið hvort Sunnutorg verði óbreytt eftir framkvæmdir Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Seðlabankastjórinn Carney verður forsætisráðherra Kanada Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent Ný tryggingavernd fyrir fólk sem flýr ofbeldissamband Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent Opnar sig um rútínuna í fangelsinu Erlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent
People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33
People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31
People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24
People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47