Herlegheitin hófust þegar Twitter-reikningur Danmerkur, sem stýrt er af danska utanríkisráðuneytinu, endurtísti (e. retweet) tísti frá Twitter-reikningi Svíþjóðar um hvað Danir og Svíar ættu mikið sameiginlegt.
Hljómar sakleysislega en Svíarnir svöruðu með því að gera grín að stærð Danmerkur og þar með hófst hið mikla norræna Twitter-stríð.
. @denmarkdotdk Another thing we don't have in common is that our lakes are the size of your country.
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
Did you know that everything that is not forbidden in @swedense, is mandatory?
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
- Þegar elgur synti frá Svíþjóð til Danmerkur.
- Þegar sænskur lögreglumaður hélt að drukkinn Svíi væri bara að tala dönsku
- Þegar sænskir foreldrar skýrði barnið sitt Lego
.@denmarkdotdk or what did you say exactly? pic.twitter.com/BrRRsLKYVw
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense please, you can't even understand your own people https://t.co/7DDIWveBms
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
My dear @denmarkdotdk you slur, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still slur.
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
But my dear @swedense, tomorrow we all know that you're back in Denmark to buy more alcohol
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
.@denmarkdotdk Sweden has a lot of love, even for danes. Specially those who can't get married to their loved ones and seek refuge in Sweden
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense the feeling is mutual, as we are happy to shelter your fleeing mooses https://t.co/onc8dSlH7C pic.twitter.com/DYq00sWwnH
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
.@denmarkdotdk We give you 1 moose and you kill it. How could you ever handle our 400,000 moose. https://t.co/PpBPxTK3v0
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense it just wasn't accustomed to modern infrastructure from where it came
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
.@denmarkdotdk We're happy to give you 5 moose seeing as you didn't have any for 5000 years. Is that the reason your fertility is so low?
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense while you were breeding moose, we were busy propagating the world https://t.co/fiRbe0ljrT
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
Dear @denmarkdotdk how "high" is your highest peak? So cute you don't even have enough for a top 10 list. pic.twitter.com/uhGfzKQe8h
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
Dear @swedense, while you're sitting on a hill top, we'll just go to one of our many beaches pic.twitter.com/mOdgEu3D4P
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
Dear @denmarkdotdk keep your beaches while we go to one of our 267,570 islands. Welcome anytime! pic.twitter.com/mLZiMEgEvy
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016
It's all fun and games until children in @swedense are named Lego https://t.co/XgCyFo2P7Y pic.twitter.com/uBYOKYXM8G
— Denmark.dk (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
Dear @denmarkdotdk LEGO? Really?! It's because we have #FREEDOM pic.twitter.com/EHPfQjRHFG
— Sweden.se (@swedense) July 7, 2016